SZS ez430-RF2480 1.0

ZigBee Sensor Network with synchronized time and time-stamped measurements.
+ Collaboration diagram for CC2480 GPIO pins.:


 Set direction, 0 to input and 1 to output.
 Set Input mode, 0 to pull-up and 1 to tri-state. GPIO0 and GPIO1 can only be set in tri-state mode.
#define CCAI_GPIO_SET   0x02
 Set specified bit(s).
#define CCAI_GPIO_CLEAR   0x03
 Clear specified bit(s).
#define CCAI_GPIO_TOGGLE   0x04
 Toggle specified bit(s).
#define CCAI_GPIO_READ   0x05
 Read specified bit(s).

Detailed Description

Commands for use with SYS_GPIO. See swra175a.pdf.